Agile Management Congress | Halls of Agilia Conference | |
REGISTRATION SNACK & COFFEE BREAK MiniWorkshop: Using Outcome-oriented Portfolio Management To Fund Agile Delivery SNACK & COFFEE BREAK Miniworkshop: Using Outcome-oriented Portfolio Management To Fund Agile Delivery LUNCH BREAK MiniWorkshop: The Cynefin Manager’s Compass SNACK & COFFEE BREAK miniWorkshop: The Scrum Culture Workshop: Introducing Agile Methods in Organizations | REGISTRATION SNACK & COFFEE BREAK Clash of Cultures: What Agile Managers Can Do to Survive Agilia Conference tracks (2 tracks + featured activities) |

Agile Management Congress | Halls of Agilia Conference | |
REGISTRATION SNACK & COFFEE BREAK miniWorkshop: The Outcome-driven Approach to Management SNACK & COFFEE BREAK miniWorkshop: The Outcome-driven Approach to Management LUNCH BREAK miniWorkshop: Navigating your company with an organizational culture compass
The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development Raffle and Closing Conditions for Raffle. All tickets are eligible for raffle. When particular ticket will be drawn, the owner of the ticket must stand up and pick up the price in person. If person will not be in the hall, next draw will be taken. Physical presence on the raffle is therefore required. | REGISTRATION SNACK & COFFEE BREAK KEYNOTE: The complexity in the simplicity of Agile Agilia Conference tracks (2 tracks + featured activities) |