Agile Management Congress | Halls of Agilia Conference | |
REGISTRATION SNACK & COFFEE BREAK The game of collaboration, to start to understand social dynamics SNACK & COFFEE BREAK The game of collaboration, to start to understand social dynamics LUNCH BREAK Beyond Budgeting - Organization perspective SNACK & COFFEE BREAK Agile Contracting done FAST n RIGHT | REGISTRATION SNACK & COFFEE BREAK Building an agile company. A utopian dream or the best way to success? Agilia Conference tracks (2 tracks + featured activities) |

Agile Management Congress | Halls of Agilia Conference | |
REGISTRATION SNACK & COFFEE BREAK Deliberately Designing Culture for Collaboration SNACK & COFFEE BREAK Deliberately Designing Culture for Collaboration LUNCH BREAK SNACK & COFFEE BREAK Raffle and Closing Conditions for Raffle. All tickets are eligible for raffle. When particular ticket will be drawn, the owner of the ticket must stand up and pick up the price in person. If person will not be in the hall, next draw will be taken. Physical presence on the raffle is therefore required. | REGISTRATION SNACK & COFFEE BREAK Unleashing the power of collaboration & mindsets for reinvention Agilia Conference tracks (2 tracks + featured activities) |